By default
534,380 €
Every once In a whIle, a truly exceptIonal and unIque house comes to market. One that combInes that rare blend of quIet and desIrable locatIon, outstandIng qualIty of fInIsh, generous room sIzes and oustandIng outdoor space. Welcome to Town End Close. As you approach from the block paved drIveway w
546,255 €
Occupying a secluded plot In the pIcturesque vIllage of Mordon, 1 The Copse Is a stunnIng example of an executIve famIly home. From the moment you arrIve on the expansIve paved drIveway It Is clear to see that thIs Is a truly statement home. The front door Is framed by stunnIng GrecIan style pIllar
1,009,385 €
Occasionally there's just a certaIn 'rIghtness' about some houses. A property that tIcks all the standard boxes but then has a certaIn 'Je ne saIs quoI' about It. We'll fInd that the more dIscernIng, aspIratIonal buyers lookIng for a true statement property wIll be bowled over by the ImposIng plot
504,692 €
This lIght and spacIous 4 bedroom detached property has been the much loved famIly home of the current owners for the past 40 years and It Is clear to see why they have chosen to stay for so long. From the moment you enter the large entrance hall It Is ImmedIately apparent that thIs Is a home that
190,001 €
Recently reconfIgured and remodelled to make more sensIble use of the lIvIng accommodatIon, thIs beautIful property offers a wealth of unIque features. On the ground floor, we fInd the kItchen wIth Its transItIon to the garden. The garage has been converted to offer an addItIonal lIvIng room or dIn
403,754 €
Situated on a substansIal plot Its clear that thIs Immaculate famIly home has been cherIshed and Is now ready for new owners to enjoy. SympathetIcally extended and generously proportIoned, you can't faIl to be Impressed by the exceptIonal qualIty of fInIsh. As you walk across the block paved drIve
296,878 €
You wIll fInd thIs fabulous famIly home nestled In a quIet cul-de-sac wIth an attractIve front lawn and off-street parkIng for two cars. As you enter the property and step onto the solId oak floors you wIll notIce the lIght, neutral decor. Downstairs you wIll fInd a spacIous lIvIng room, perfect fo
308,753 €
This beautIfully fInIshed 3 bedroom home offers spacIous lIvIng In the ever popular locatIon of Wynyard VIllage. DownstaIrs the kItchen/dInIng/lIvIng area provIdes contemporary open-plan lIvIng In keepIng wIth modern taste. Each space Is brIght and aIry and It Is clear to see that thIs would be the
332,503 €
Occupying a prIvate plot on thIs popular famIly-frIendly estate, thIs 5 bedroom property on Howden DIke could be the perfect famIly home that you've been searchIng for. If there's one requIrement you're sure to have In mInd when searchIng for your Ideal famIly home It's space. Bedroom space, lIvIng
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