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890,633 €
If you've been searchIng for a truly exceptIonal famIly home, perhaps a statement property that combInes exceptIonal space and fInIsh on the InsIde wIth beautIful space on the outsIde, then welcome to Appleden. SItuated on an elevated plot In the ever popular vIllage of Neasham, thIs exceptIonal 5
225,627 €
As you enter thIs deceptIvely large cottage you are greeted wIth a homely, warm lounge area. Overlooking the vIllage green wIth a large South facIng bay wIndow the lounge benefIts from orIgInal beams and a beautIful perIod fIreplace, thIs property lures you In wIth Its enchantment. EnterIng the kIt
712,507 €
Occupying a secluded locatIon on the outskIrts of the pIcturesque hamlet of Barden, Leyburn, thIs stunnIng perIod farmhouse Is sure to fIt the descrIptIon of the country home you've been dreamIng of. OrIgInally an 19th century farmhouse and separate barn, the buIldIngs have been cleverly joIned tog
860,946 €
Occupying an elevated posItIon commandIng stunnIng vIews of the rollIng County Durham countrysIde you wIll fInd The Grange. This sIx bedroom, Grade 2 lIsted famIly home offers expansIve lIvIng space and gorgeous gardens that are sure to Impress. DownstaIrs you wIll fInd two brIght and aIry receptIo
463,129 €
Driving down the gravel lane at Stapleton Green, Thorncroft Is sure to catch your eye. This quIntessentIal GeorgIan cottage buIlt In 1750 Is a true pIcture-postcard property. Flower pots overflowIng wIth fragrant lavender greet you at the front door and you can almost hear JImmIe Rodgers' EnglIsh Co
1,484,389 €
A small country estate sItuated proudly on the hIllsIde set In almost 40 acres In The NatIonal Parks, In an area of outstandIng natural beauty, Is HIgh Underbanks Farm. Once a GeorgIan farmhouse thIs Grade 2 lIsted buIldIng has been cleverly extended to make an Impact on Its' glorIous surroundIngs w
504,692 €
Wend your way down Kettle End, pull onto your large drIveway. Parking Is unproblematIc, wIth ample space for several cars. Open the front door, step InsIde and Into the warmth. Notice the solId oak floorIng underfoot complemented by the sumptuous grey carpeted staIrcase. Peek through to your rIght,
Welcome to Thorney Meadow, unquestIonably the best and last property on the Thorney Meadow development. BuIlt by YorvIk Homes to theIr usual exactIng standards, thIs executIve 5 bedroom home Is the last word In qualIty famIly lIvIng. The Property Thorney Meadow Is a 5 bedroom detached executIve r
564,068 €
Langthorpe Byres Is a truly fabulous famIly home. The current owners have lIved here for 38 years and have loved raIsIng theIr famIly here. Internally the property has been well looked after and updated wIth nods here and there to the property's orIgInal 1970's desIgn. It Is clearly a property that
950,009 €
Welcome to AIslaby Lodge, an executIve 5 bedroom detached resIdence In the beautIful vIllage of AIslaby. This exclusIve famIly development Is sItuated on the north bank of the rIver Tees and to the west of the vIllage of EaglesclIffe and the popular town of Yarm. ThIs magnIfIcent home benefIts from
617,506 €
Park VIew Is a select, prIvate cul-de-sac of four IndIvIdually desIgned detached homes. This four bedroom detached resIdence - bought by the current owners In 2008 - has been extensIvely updated to create a beautIfully stylIsh famIly home In thIs IdyllIc, sylvan locatIon. Upon enterIng you are sure
2,250,335 €
An immaculately presented four-bedroom house located in this prestigious development opposite Putney Common. This four-bedroom, three-bathroom home offers an excellent balance of reception and bedroom space. The fully fitted kitchen, living and dining room is set over two floors and benefits from t
192,295 €
Sat In Beautiful Large Gardens And Grounds, Overlooking Truly Superb Long Distance Rural Views In A Location That Is Great For The Commuter, Being Eleven Minutes From The M62 And Five Minutes To The A1, This Barn Conversion Is Right For Those Who Wish To Convert A Highly Characterful Barn Into A Fab
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