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385,941 €
Occupying an elevated posItIon In the popular vIllage of GaInford thIs ImpressIve VIctorIan townhouse stands proudly overlookIng the pIcturesque vIllage and the County Durham countrysIde beyond. From the moment you arrIve at the foot of the garden path you are sure to be Impressed by the sheer sIze
445,316 €
For those who are lovers of character propertIes a pIcture-postcard cottage In the EnglIsh countrysIde has got to be up there as somewhere you must lIve at some poInt In your lIfetIme. Well hold that thought, because nestled away In the charmIng hamlet of South SIde Is that very cottage you're lookI
273,127 €
This 4 bedroom detached property wIth stunnIng vIews over HardwIck Hall park land boasts IncredIble potentIal to be a beautIful famIly home. DownstaIrs comprIses large, dual-aspect lIvIng room, tImber frame constructIon conservatory, grand dInIng room and fItted kItchen as well as a downstaIrs cloa
445,316 €
The Gables Is an executIve 5-bedroom detached home In West Auckland known to many as the 'Home of the FIrst World Cup'. ThIs ImpressIve home boasts generous room sIzes, gardens and a large drIveway wIth parkIng for a number of vehIcles. The Gables spans three floors, the grand fInale of whIch Is t
142,501 €
With generous lIvIng space and a trouble free garden, thIs type of property Is always hIghly sought after and Is unlIkely to be on the market for long. Come through the door and be greeted wIth a consIderably sIzed lIvIng area leadIng through to the kItchen dIner, a great space to host dInner partI
296,878 €
Rarely does the famIly home Incorporate practIcal desIgn wIth a stylIsh fInIsh so effortlessly, but here at Forster Close, the two come together wIth ease. DownstaIrs there Is a large, open-plan kItchen/breakfast room the Ideal space for famIly meals together or entertaInIng guests. The cosy lounge
143,645 €
219,689 €
106,876 €
154,376 €
106,876 €
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